`introduction of collection`


‚Pjtray/partial-gotou-type ‚Qjsquare case/gotou-type
‚Rjhand mirror/gotou-type ‚Sjmultiple plate/gotou-type with cloth
‚Tjsquare tray/zoukoku-type ‚Ujtray/zoukoku-type
‚Vjtray/with a design of radish ‚Wjtray/with a design of fish
‚Xjcase/with a design of colorful circle ‚P‚Ojbowl/with a design of sunset

When you need the catalog•When you want to hear about the craft,
please call our office up:
iŠ”jŽ˝Ší‚̂܂‚žMATSUDA lacquer ware production

2196-46 Takamatsu-cyo,Takamatsu-shi,Kagawa,
761-0104 JAPAN
TEL: +81-87-841-3093
FAX: +81-87-841-7182

If you have any questions,send a message to here,please.